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 Persian cats

The Persian cat, known in the Middle East as the "Persian cat" or "Iranian cat" as it was exported from Iran - ancient Persia - and in Iran as the "Shirazi cat" , and it is not known when Persian cats first appeared, but they were The importation of the earliest documented ancestors of Persian cats into Italy from Iran around the year 1620 by Pietro della Valle and from Ankara during the Ottoman Empire - Turkey - in France by Nicholas Claude Fabry de Peiresque around the same time, and in this article information about Persian cats will be presented.

Characteristics of Persian Cats

Characteristics of Persian Cats

Unlike many other cats, the Persian cat does not have the ability to jump in the air or even to jump from one piece of furniture to another; This is due to its strong and full body structure, as its body is neither buoyant nor graceful, so it generally prefers to stay firmly on the ground, and among the most important characteristics of Persian cats are the following:

• Long, silky hair.
• Large round face.
• Small ears and bushy tail.
• Thick hair in a wide range of colors; They are white, silver, orange and black.

Evolution of Persian Cats

The terms "traditional" and "doll-faced" Persian cat are fairly recent after the original Persian cat acquired extreme features that changed its shape; And since many breeders around the world have created a standard for the Persian cat in a different way, a classification method has been developed based on the shape of the face as a result of two genetic mutations without changing the name of the breed from “Persian” cats as follows:

flat-faced: This type results from genetic mutations that occurred to the original type, which led to the obliteration of the cat's face, and although this type was preferred by the breeders of these cats, it causes many problems, the most important of which is the distortion of the cat's tear duct and airway.

With a doll face: This is the current description of the original breed of Persian cats before genetic developments occurred

Persian cat food

When it comes to the Persian cat, you have to take into account their diet. Most Persian cats suffer from problems when eating due to the odd shape of their mouths, as they have somewhat curved jaws and are not aligned regularly, and they eat their food very slowly, and for these reasons, the food provided to these cats should be monitored, and many veterinarians recommend including it. The typical Persian cat diet consists of around 80% wet food; This is because the Persian cat is susceptible to polycystic kidney disease, and some of the healthy foods they can eat include the following:

  • Meat ; Like fish, chicken,

  • beef and rabbits. wheat and oats

  • Bananas and peeled apples

While it is absolutely necessary to refrain from giving him certain foods that are harmful to his health, such as the following foods:

  • Chocolate

  • Grapes and raisins.

  • onions and garlic

  • alcohol

  • raw eggs

Anything that contains caffeine
Certain foods can also cause Persian cats to have allergies, which is why these cats should not eat:

  • Soy.

  • corn kernels.

  • dairy products.

  • Gluten.

Caring for Persian Cats 

Keeping cats as pets in Europe did not become popular until the 18th century, and by the 9th century the Persian cat had become popular. Especially after Britain's Queen Victoria purchased a pair of imported Persian cats at the first Oriental Cat Exhibition in London in 1871, and since then the preservation of Persian cats as desirable and valuable pets has extended to all parts of Europe and to cat lovers all over the world. 

The world still loves these cats, and in 2015 Persian cats were ranked the second most popular breed in the United States, according to the Animal Fanciers Association, and those who wish to care for the Persian cat should take certain things into consideration. , as following :

  • There are many medical doses; The Persian cat gets asthma easily, so the air around it should be clean.

  • It must be cleaned and combed constantly; As they are very clean cats, and for this reason they resort to licking their abundant hair in order to clean them, so that the hairballs end up closing the digestive system, which can sometimes require surgical medical intervention .

  • Excess tears should be gently wiped from their eyes daily; In fair cats in particular, tears attract bacteria, and there are special wipes that are made to help with the eye cleaning process.

  • A healthy diet should be maintained, as these cats are prone to allergies, diabetes, and obesity.
