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 10 benefits of practicing yoga daily

10 benefits of practicing yoga daily

There is no dispute that practicing yoga exercises has many benefits that affect human health, as 15 minutes of practicing yoga daily can change brain chemistry and enhance your mood.

When you feel down in the mood, you must think of ordering pizza, or buying new clothes and shoes. But what you really need is 15 minutes of daily yoga practice, which can improve your mood and health more than you can imagine!! Studies have shown that yoga can reduce the secretion of cortisol, the primary stress hormone, and reducing it can improve your overall health.

Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, it's easy to set aside just 15 minutes of your time to practice yoga every day. Read on to learn ten reasons — backed by scientific research — that make yoga worth it.

1.Practicing yoga improves flexibility, mobility and balance:

Practicing yoga on a daily basis will help you stretch your body muscles, improve your physical strength, and help get rid of pain caused by wrong sitting or lying positions. Popular yoga poses like Warrior pose and Downward Facing dog will equally strengthen your arms, legs and shoulders.

You don't have to be flexible to practice yoga, the beauty of yoga is that you can practice it no matter your level of physical ability, no matter how weak your flexibility. After just a few minutes of daily exercises and poses, yoga will really make you feel the difference in your flexibility. For example, in a study of 80 women, a program of short-term, intense yoga sessions improved spinal mobility—particularly bending—more than any other traditional exercise program.

In short, doing yoga on a daily basis helps improve your posture (posture), makes you walk longer, and sit more straight at your desk. It can also relieve aches and pains caused by poor posture, such as back pain.

2. Yoga will give you general fitness:

When thinking of improving physical fitness, most of us think of bodybuilding and weightlifting. But really, lifting weights is not the only way to get fit.

In fact, yoga gives you everything a gym can give you, but in a more holistic, peaceful way. It combines cardio (cardio-health) and strength training in one. In a study conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, men and women who participated in a 12-week yoga class showed significant improvements in muscle strength.

The best part about this is that you can practice yoga at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.

3. Yoga Helps You Lose Weight:

You don't have to be a professional yogi or be able to do the most difficult asanas to lose weight. Gentle daily yoga practice will support your metabolism and help burn fat, which will lead to weight loss. Also, practicing yoga on a daily basis can help restore the hormonal balance in your body, which may lead to normalizing your body weight.

Gentle daily yoga practice will boost metabolism and help burn fat. With yoga, levels of cortisol, a hormone that is released in response to stress, decrease, resulting in less overeating. Daily yoga also strengthens the mind-body connection in general and helps you deal more effectively with unpleasant emotions rather than resorting to food to suppress them.

When it comes to shedding excess fat, keep in mind that exercise is only a small piece of the puzzle.

4. Yoga increases your energy:

Just a few minutes of daily yoga practice will provide the energy boost we need in our busy lives and will keep us feeling energized for longer. Yoga, with its unique effect on the body and breathing, is ideal when your energy is low. Daily yoga practice will also awaken the main energy centers (called chakras) in your body.

A great yoga pose that releases extra energy is one that stretches the spine, such as tree pose, allowing the energy to travel throughout the body. The cobra pose is also useful for improving breathing and thus increasing energy.

5. Yoga Helps Reduce Stress:

In fact, many companies, large and small alike, are now offering yoga sessions in dedicated halls within the workplace during break time, after yoga has been shown to be a wonderful stress reducer.

Any yoga practice, even if it is a short daily one, should consist of three elements; Asanas, breathing and meditation. Studies have shown that those people who regularly practice the three elements are better able to regulate their heart rate, which gives the body the ability to respond to stress in a more flexible way. In particular, relaxing while doing yoga can calm both your body and mind at once. And if you are facing so much stress that it makes you restless at night; Keep in mind that studies have shown that a daily yoga practice can reduce this insomnia. When you have insomnia, practice relaxing or comfortable poses, such as uttanasana or lying on your back with your feet against a wall.

Another of the daily benefits offered by practicing yoga involves a better night's sleep. In a study conducted by the Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, participants who practiced yoga fell asleep faster, slept longer and felt more rested compared to people who did not practice yoga.

6. Yoga Helps You Breathe Better:

Breathing deeply and calmly is an essential part of a yoga practice. Yogic breathing techniques (called pranayama) focus on trying to slow your breathing and focus on breathing from the pit of your stomach to the top of your lungs. These methods will make you feel relaxed and balanced and will help you face the day with confidence and calmness.

These exercises also have some great side benefits, including increased lung capacity and increased inhalation and exhalation volume. You can practice these techniques as often as needed in daily life. It will help you stay calm in emergencies, think more clearly in stressful situations and can help relieve pain too.

7. Doing Yoga Helps You Be Happier:

Adding a little yoga to your daily routine can make you a stronger and more emotional person. A recent study showed that regular yoga and meditation results in higher levels of serotonin (the happiness hormone). The same study also showed that long-term yoga practitioners had more mass in areas of the brain associated with contentment.

15 minutes of yoga a day can change your brain chemistry and improve your mood!!

Another study showed that levels of mood-enhancing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain increased significantly after practicing yoga. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a calming neurotransmitter that reduces nervous system activity by 27%, and higher levels of it are associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety.

Quite simply, you can start with 15 minutes of yoga a day to change your brain chemistry and improve your mood.

8. With yoga you will become more aware.

Yoga and mindfulness go hand in hand. When you practice yoga, you will shift your awareness to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that accompany the poses. This awareness will make the mind think of the present moment, when it can stay happy and focused.

Increased awareness and awareness has lasting physical and psychological benefits that are very much in line with the benefits of yoga. You will feel calmer and more relaxed, less stressed and more in control of your emotions and behaviors. Furthermore, you will experience higher levels of energy and enthusiasm, and more self-confidence and self-acceptance.

9. Yoga improves focus and clearer thinking.

Yoga and meditation asanas require you to focus on your breathing. Watching your breath calms your mind and makes you more mentally relaxed. As a result of this mental stability, you will be able to remember and retain more information. Meditating for a few minutes in the morning can lead to better focus throughout the day. In a study conducted by the University of Illinois, USA, just 20 minutes of Hatha yoga significantly improved participants' ability to maintain focus and retain new information.

On the other hand, by reducing mental and physical stress, you will be able to remember more easily and have more organized thoughts. Optimal cognitive function occurs when we are able to clear and refresh our minds. When you are in a place of peace and quiet, you can use your mental faculties more efficiently.

Generally speaking, by reducing mental and physical stress by practicing yoga on a daily basis, you will be able to think sharper and have more organized thoughts.

10. Yoga Helps You Live Longer:

As you know by now, daily yoga will help you increase your fitness level, regulate your heart rate, reduce your stress levels, and make you happier. These various benefits of yoga not only deeply affect your quality of life, but can also add precious years to it. As mentioned earlier, yoga reduces the speed of breathing, which is directly linked to a longer life span. Recent studies have also shown that the meditation component of yoga may help delay the aging process by protecting telomeres at the end of chromosomes as well.

Although it is one of the lesser known benefits of yoga, yoga is good for the heart. Studies show that making time to practice yoga on a daily basis can lower cholesterol levels and slow the progression of heart disease, combined with dietary changes and stress management, and improve circulation. One study found that people over the age of 40 who had practiced yoga for five years experienced lower blood pressure and pulse rate than those who had not practiced yoga at all.
