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Quick ways to lose excess weight

Quick ways to lose excess weight

Many people believe that the fastest way to lose excess weight is to stop eating or follow a harsh diet that prevents them from eating all forms of their favorite foods. Despite the large number of methods and diets with medicines and supplements, which spread to lose weight quickly, few of them are based on scientific evidence, and some of these methods may not be safe for health.

If you are looking to lose weight quickly and safely, in this article we will tell you about the fastest ways to lose weight that have been proven effective in scientific studies.

What are the best ways to lose weight quickly?

Here is a list of some steps and strategies that can be followed to lose excess weight, which is one of the fastest ways to lose weight supported by scientific research.

1- Pay attention to what you eat and how you eat it!!

Many people tend to eat quickly while walking, in the car, while working at their desks, and while watching TV. As a result, these people are hardly aware of what they are eating. If you want to lose weight quickly, you have to watch what you eat, and the following tips may help:

  • Sit while eating, preferably at a table.

  • Avoid distractions while eating: Don't turn on the TV, laptop, or cell phone.

  • Take thoughtful dietary steps: choose foods that are full of beneficial and nourishing nutrients, and those that keep you feeling full for hours rather than minutes. And make sure that each of your meals includes: a source of protein, a source of fat, vegetables, and a small portion of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains.

2- Never miss breakfast

All meals are important, but breakfast is what helps you start your day on the right track. Make sure to choose breakfast meals that give you a feeling of satiety for the longest time. Breakfast should contain between 400 and 500 calories and include a high amount of protein. Studies in adults show that eating a high-protein breakfast can keep you feeling full for several hours. Good choices for a high-protein breakfast include: eggs, oats, nut or seed butter, quinoa porridge, sardines, and chia seeds.

3- For fast weight loss, you should avoid sugary drinks

Consuming calorie-dense beverages will not fill you up in the same way that eating real food does. For example, drinking a smoothie or a caramel coffee drink will not make you feel as full as eating a bowl of vegetables and protein. So you have to pay attention to what you drink ready-made juices, soft drinks, sweetened coffee, sweetened tea and alcoholic beverages. Always remember that the empty calories that come from sugar are not good for your body and can hinder your weight loss process.

If you consume any of these drinks during the day, that means at least 800 extra calories and you'll still be hungry. In addition, if you drink alcohol, keep in mind that alcohol may inhibit fat metabolism, and this will make it more difficult for your body to burn calories.

4-Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates

One of the fastest ways to lose excess weight is to reduce your consumption of sugars and starches or carbohydrates. This could be by following a low-carb diet or by cutting down on refined carbohydrates and replacing them with whole grains. When you do this, your hunger levels decrease, and you generally end up eating fewer calories.

With a low-carb diet, your body will burn stored fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. If you choose to eat more complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, on top of reducing calories, you'll benefit from the higher fiber content and slower digestion. This makes you feel full for a much longer time. A 2020 study confirmed that a low-carb diet was effective and beneficial for weight loss in older adults. Research also suggests that a low-carb diet can reduce appetite, which may result in you eating fewer calories without thinking about it or feeling hungry.

Keep in mind that sticking to a low-carb diet is not easy. Try to include whole grains in your diet rather than refined carbohydrates. Also note that the long-term effects of a low-carb diet are still being researched.

5- Consider trying intermittent fasting, as it is one of the fastest ways to lose weight

The intermittent fasting system involves abstaining from eating for short periods on a regular basis, and eating meals within shorter periods of time during the day. Several studies have indicated that short-term intermittent fasting, up to 24 weeks, leads to weight loss in obese or overweight individuals.

The most popular intermittent fasting methods include each of the following:

  • Alternate day fasting: This system is applied in an alternating way, a fasting day and an eating day, i.e. fasting for a full day and eating normally the next day. In order to avoid health problems or a lack of blood sugar, it is preferable to follow the modified version of this model, which includes eating 25-30% of the body's energy needs on fasting days.

  • 5:2 Intermittent Fasting: This involves fasting two days a week, and eating only 500-600 calories during the fasting days.

  • The 16/8 method: In this method, you must fast for 16 hours and eat during the remaining 8 hours of the day. For most people, the 8-hour eating allotment starts around noon and runs until 8 pm. A study using this method found that eating within a limited period led to study participants consuming fewer calories and losing weight.

Keep in mind that it is essential to eat healthy, high-fiber food outside of fasting times and avoid overeating in general, for best results. Learn about 6 of the best ways and methods to follow the intermittent fasting system

6- Additional steps to help lose weight safely and quickly

Here are some tips that speed up the weight loss process:

  • Eat your food slowly, take your time to chew and taste your food, it will help you a lot to lose weight. You give your brain enough time to recognize signals that you are full, which may help prevent overeating. Simply put, eating quickly can lead to weight gain over time, while eating slowly makes you feel full and boosts weight-loss hormones.

  • Eat foods rich in soluble fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

  • Base your diet on whole foods; They are healthier and help you feel full.

  • Drink water before meals: One study showed that drinking water before meals reduces calorie intake and may be effective for weight loss.

  • Drink coffee or tea without sugar, because caffeine can boost metabolism and thus help in weight loss.

  • Get enough sleep, as lack of sleep is one of the biggest risk factors for weight gain.

Before looking for the fastest ways to lose weight, you should know that the best way to reach and maintain a healthy weight is to eat a nutritious and balanced diet. This should include eating fruits and vegetables, good quality protein, whole grains and healthy fats. It is also necessary to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
