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 Dry hair care tips

Dry hair is a problem for many people, as they cannot deal with it, so what are the ways to take care of dry hair? And what are the appropriate preparations for it

Dry hair care tips

Ways to take care of dry hair

Here are the most important ways to care for dry hair:

1. Reducing the number of times you wash your hair

Instead of showering and washing hair daily with shampoo, this can be reduced to once or twice a week, thus reducing hair exposure to chemicals in shampoo, and reducing the need for hot air styling and thermal straighteners.

2. Use a dry hair shampoo

Using a shampoo formulated for dry hair that is gentler and less damaging, and contains fewer drying substances, will help take care of your dry hair.

3. Use a hair conditioner

Using a moisturizing hair conditioner preserves and protects the outer layer of the hair, which makes it retain a greater amount of natural oils inside, and thus reduces hair dryness.

4. Use natural oils

Natural oils, such as: coconut oil, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil, can be used to massage the hair before taking a shower, as natural oils give a shiny and healthy appearance to the hair.

5. Cut split ends of hair

Cutting split and broken ends helps to reduce the frizzy, unruly appearance of hair, and gives hair a more streamlined appearance.

6. Take vitamin and mineral supplements

Vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B12, vitamin D, folic acid, selenium, and iron, help maintain healthy and shiny hair.

7. Maintain hydration

This is by drinking sufficient amounts of water daily, and coconut water is also very beneficial for hair.

8. Avoid using inappropriate hair products

Alcohol is a drying substance that may be present in some hair care products, so you should avoid any hair products that contain alcohol, in order to reduce hair dryness.

Also, it is preferable to avoid using shampoo designed to remove dandruff, because it causes dry hair.

9. Using treatments for dry hair

If none of the dry hair care methods we mentioned help you, you can ask your hairdresser about specific professional treatments that he can do to take care of your hair.

Tips for styling dry hair properly

We mentioned at the beginning of the article that one of the ways to take care of dry hair is not to overdo it and use heat on it, and here we will mention some advice from hair experts to style hair in a healthy and sound way to keep it from drying out:

  • Wrap hair with a towel after use or leave it to dry naturally in the open air, and do not expose it to a heat dryer immediately after washing it.

  • Leave the hair to dry before combing it, as the hair is sensitive and more prone to breakage when it is wet.

  • Do not over-comb the hair, as combing the hair at a rate of 100 movements per day can cause hair breakage.

  • Avoid using hair-fixing products, such as: fixative spray, as combing hair after applying these products may cause hair breakage and hair loss.

  • It is preferable to use a hair dryer on dry hair, and to apply a low to medium heat and not to use high heat. As for the device that is used to wrap hair, it should not be left on the strand of hair for more than two seconds, as the heat causes hair breakage.

  • Do not use hair extensions constantly, as they cause pulling and breakage of the hair, which may cause permanent hair loss.

Causes of dry hair

And after we talked about ways to care for dry hair, we will know what are the causes of dry hair in the following:

  • Over washing and washing hair daily.

  • Use shampoos and cleaning agents that are strong or contain alcohol.

  • Frequent use of an air hair dryer and thermal straightening of hair.

  • Malnutrition and anorexia nervosa, which leads to depriving the body of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of healthy and shiny hair.

  • Exposure to dry air, due to changing weather at certain times of the year.

  • Thyroid laziness

  • Parathyroid gland laziness

  • Menkes syndrome, a disease in which the body is unable to absorb copper, affecting the physical and mental development of the affected person.

  • Other hormonal imbalances.
