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 How to get rid of bad breath and what are its causes

How to get rid of bad breath and what are its causes

The smell of the mouth.. an issue that worries many, expecting those who suffer from it to be very embarrassed in their surroundings, and to earn a bad reputation if they ignore its treatment, and the most important reasons that arise from this smell. Recent statistics have shown that bad breath is a concern for 9 out of 10 people, and it is one of the first things that every person should get rid of.

But do you know what is the cause of this smell?

Many people think that mouthwash is the cure for everything, but this is not true. Most of the time, the cause lies in the bacteria in between the teeth that many people don't reach while brushing their teeth, thus, this is where that smell comes from. So, using dental floss or wooden chopsticks helps to reach and remove these bacteria.
How do you test your breath?

If you don't trust anyone or are ashamed to blow air in someone's face, you can put your tongue on your wrist, wait 10 seconds, and then smell your wrist. In addition, you can floss your back teeth, wait 10 seconds for the saliva to dry, and then sniff the floss.

Quick tips

  • All food and drinks (such as garlic, fish, coffee, alcohol, meat and tobacco) cause bad breath for some time. However, if your body is healthy, it will help you with your saliva to get rid of the unpleasant smell, and this is what most people fear.

  • As for coffee lovers, it is recommended to drink coffee with a straw, and the coffee will bypass the teeth and tongue, which helps to avoid staining the teeth with coffee and the emergence of an unpleasant odor.

  • Sugar-free mint gum, alcohol-free mouthwash, shaving fragrance and fragrances all help rid the body of bad odors. These are temporary solutions that we resort to once, because soon the smell will return if the reason is something else.

  • Do not brush your teeth after eating breakfast, because breakfast foods such as fruit or fruit juice are acidic, and therefore when we brush our teeth after breakfast, we distribute acid throughout our mouth, which leads to abrasion of the gums and damage to the outer layer of the teeth.

  • Brush your teeth regularly, once in the morning when you get up and once in the evening, an hour after dinner. And don't forget to clean your tongue at least twice a week with a toothbrush or tongue scraper.

  • The cause of this smell is not limited to poor oral hygiene, as there are many other causes, such as the stomach. When some people suffer from heartburn or acid indigestion, the smell of food comes out of the mouth.

  • Gum disease also causes bad breath, and when blood comes out while brushing our teeth, it is not normal and we should see a doctor.
